

Release Date – 15 October 2024

  • Changed – Make multiple reveal animations run in sequence by default
  • Added – Allow running animations on the free version
  • Improved – Make carousel preview, width feature compatible with WP 6.7
  • Improved – Separate carousel’s editor style into the editor style file
  • Refactor – i18n text
  • Improved – Adjust some title & help texts
  • Updated – Freemius SDK 2.8.1


Release Date – 02 October 2024

  • Added – Settings builder for carousel premium effects like creative and coverflow
  • Added – Presets for creative and coverflow carousel effects
  • Improved – Carousel preview in the editor
  • Improved – Override css rule in the Bootstrap’s carousel-item class if the theme is based on Bootstrap
  • Updated – Tested up to WP 6.6 for replacing slot & fill in the edit-post with editor
  • Added – A new filter to allow disabling the pattern inserter button: ‘add_filter( ‘cbb_has_pattern_inserter’, ‘__return_false’ )’


Release Date – 23 September 2024

  • Improved – Allow displaying custom CSS/JS code in the free version
  • Fixed – Duplicate items in the library
  • Updated – Carousel script
  • Improved – Revamp settings for carousels


Release Date – 16 September 2024

  • Fixed – Performance issue with carousel previews in the Editor
  • Improved – More efficient rendering of synced override blocks.
  • Added – Remove the overrides data when reseting synced overrides blocks


Release Date – 9 September 2024

  • Added – Allow creating custom attributes such as role, tabindex, etc
  • Improved – Automatically add ‘button’ role to the trigger of modal, off-canvas, collapse if they are div elment
  • Added – Add prefers reduce motion media query to the generator of the CSS selector
  • Improved – Render preview in the editor for carousel, background effect, accordion preview, animation
  • Added – Add the play/pause button the the video background
  • Added – Add the preloader to carousels
  • Improved – Generate an unique ID for query loops with responsive grid and carousel layout if they have the same queryId
  • Improved – Render the pattern inserter button


Release Date – 28 August 2024

  • Added – Allow changing HTML tag for CBB blocks
  • Added – Allow restricting allowed blocks for CBB Blocks
  • Improved – Allow empty value when filtering a meta field from the query string
  • Improved – Load all local blocks, variations, and patterns in rest api (more than 100)
  • Fixed – Add the correct link to the ‘Manage custom pattern categories’ link in the edit pattern sidebar
  • Fixed – Make CBB compattible with new the Better YouTube Embed Block API


Release Date – 20 August 2024

  • Added – Allow filtering meta fields from the query string in Query Loop’s extended filters and sorting
  • Added – Support a separated image as the background image of CBB blocks for mobile screens
  • Improved – Don’t show the variations setting on new blocks until reloading the block screen
  • Added – Allow detecting the page’s scroll state on the fixed block
  • Added – Allow marking a custom attribute as read-only, it will be the same on all block instances
  • Updated – Freemius 2.7.4


Release Date – 24 July 2024

  • Changed – Reset variation/style will match the attributes of the current instance with the active variation
  • Improved – Replace classnames with clsx
  • Improved – Caching the rendering status of synced block overrides
  • Updated – Don’t allow synced block overrides inside synced patterns
  • Fixed – Changing custom CSS overrides other settings


Release Date – 15 July 2024

  • Added – Support colors for headings and buttons to CBB blocks
  • Improved – Reset blocks and variations from the database not from the client cache
  • Added – Allow copying posts and pages besides blocks, variations, and patterns
  • Improved – Add the copy link to the edit post screen
  • Updated – Upgrade to Freemius 2.7.3


Release Date – 11 July 2024

  • Improved – Only apply sidebar and fullscreen mode to the active custom editor
  • Improved – Keep the last resized value of the custom editor
  • Improved – Add layout & style for carousels when the slider script is not executed. It can be used as the preloader
  • Added – Add the sticky feature to the core/template-part block
  • Added – Add the custom CSS feature to the core/template-part block
  • Improved – Add detecting stuck state on the sticky blocks
  • Improved – Add a setting in the sticky feature to prevent layout shifted when the block is fixed
  • Added – Allow updating attributes from the active variation from the block information section


Release Date – 4 July 2024

  • Improved – Allow editing custom attributes from the block toolbar
  • Added – Allow adding aria attributes for CBB blocks
  • Improved – Generate correct dynamic class for CBB blocks inside a post content inside a Query Loop
  • Improved – Allow creating normal variations on the edit block screen
  • Improved – Add the active variation and view all variations link to the block information section
  • Improved – Prevent layout shift for carousels when the state is not ready
  • Added – Support block overrides for the Counting Number block


Release Date – 27 June 2024

  • Improved – Add variations to the block edit screen
  • Added – Allow creating default variation from the block edit screen
  • Improved – Make sure a block has only one default variation
  • Changed – Don’t apply variation class at creation time, make new variation transformable by default and transform it later
  • Changed – Save the markup of synced blocks where they are used
  • Improved – Allow editing layout and style of a synced block via it’s default variation
  • Improved – Copy block alignment when transforming between CBB blocks or from core/group to CBB blocks
  • Fixed – Not able to disable with-opacity on parallax background when enabling it
  • Added – Support block overrides for the YouTube block (Better YouTube embed block)


Release Date – 11 June 2024

  • Improved – Don’t display the overrides panel if the block is not a synced block overrides
  • Added – Opacity transition to the background zooming effect
  • Added – Settings to the block toolbar of grid item and carousel item blocks
  • Changed – Don’t support synced block overrides on the accordion layout
  • Changed – The style for the CBB pattern inserter button, and other minor style changes


Release Date – 04 June 2024

  • Changed – Rename the readonly mode to the synced block overrides
  • Added – Add block overrides for CBB blocks. Support the following blocks: Heading, Paragraph, Image, Button, Embed, Video, Audio, Code, Verse, Preformatted, Pullquote, SVG Block, and background media for CBB blocks
  • Improved – Hide unnecessary block toolbar items in the contentOnly mode
  • Improved – Refactor code, remove deprecated like useSeting, isEditingTemplate
  • Removed – CSS variables for media queries
  • Added – Added support for clientNavigation interactivity on CBB blocks
  • Improved – Optimize dynamic styles generator


Release Date – 14 May 2024

  • Added – Allow query multiple post types in the Extended filters and sorting for Query Loop
  • Improved – Display correct value in the editor for read-only blocks
  • Improved – Force removing the custom field panel on blocks, variations and patterns
  • Improved – Don’t show custom fields created by CBB
  • Improved – Don’t flush cache when auto-saving blocks, variations and patterns.
  • Fixed – Sanitize block name, replace underscore by dash


Release Date – 29 April 2024

  • Added – Add the CBB block info button to the block toolbar
  • Added – Add the auto columns option to the layout presets of the grid layout
  • Updated – The contentOnly lock conflicts with the read-only mode
  • Updated – Freemius 2.7.2


Release Date – 15 April 2024

  • Added – Add preview style for HTML wrapper block in the editor when there is no canvas iframe
  • Added – Allow using data URI as the background image
  • Added – Allow using CBB blocks as a mega menu by overriding the allowedBlocks of other blocks when they are used as a parent or an ancestor.
  • Improved – Refactor the library for performance and clean
  • Added – Add search blocks, and variations to the library
  • Added – Allow blocks in the library to depend on other CBB blocks
  • Added – Add minimum WP version and CBB version to all items in the library
  • Updated – Freemius 2.7.0


Release Date – 04 April 2024

  • Improved – Add more advanced functionalities to the custom editor: multiple cursors, duplicate lines, swap lines, toggle comment
  • Improved – Make the custom editor resizable in the sidebar mode
  • Changed – Don’t load custom scripts of blocks in the backend
  • Added – Expose Parallax, Animation API to the front end
  • Fixed – Fix the style issue with the color generator button in the custom CSS editor


Release Date – 26 March 2024

  • Added – Add preview style for the HTML block
  • Fixed – Accordions do not work properly in the multiple opens mode
  • Improved – Replace the full-sidebar mode with the sidebar mode for the custom editor
  • Improved – Refactor the unique Id for the custom Editor, Accordion item, and toggle
  • Improved – Force query blocks, variations, and patterns on the debug mode, only cache data for production
  • Improved – Minify dynamic custom JS code for production
  • Fixed – Should update the slidesPerGroup parameter automatically if its value is larger than slidesPerView


Release Date – 13 March 2024

  • Improved – Support Query Loop’s enhanced pagination in the responsive grid layout
  • Improved – Add deprecated for new background image markup in version 2.5.0
  • Added – Add the DisableOnInteraction setting for carousels
  • Fixed – Reveal animations are not working on the second slide on autoplay mode
  • Updated – Google fonts


Release Date – 04 March 2024

  • Improved – Allow bypassing multiple slugs in the maintenance mode
  • Improved – Make the content of the CSS/JS editor in the fullscreen mode not hidden behind the editor footer bar
  • Fixed – Check null before access value of a side of the border in the responsive border feature
  • Improved – Ignore parallax elements that don’t have a background
  • Fixed – Frontend forms redirect to the login page
  • Changed – If the useFeaturedImage setting is ON and there is a custom background, then blocks will use the featured image first and then fall back to the custom background image if the featured image is not available.
  • Added – Zoom effect to the background image with three modes: reveal, hover, and infinite
  • Added – Parallax effect to use background image as an image tag as well
  • Improved – Wait for the iframe canvas to load before triggering the carousel preview in the editor
  • Fixed – Only video with the autoplay attribute will automatically play in the active carousel slides
  • Updated – Update Swipper to version 11


Release Date – 10 January 2024

  • Fixed – Accordion item blocks could not be displayed in the style site editor
  • Fixed – A custom block that contains a Query Loop could not be displayed in the inserter preview
  • Improved – Refactor the fullscreen mode for the CSS/JS Editor
  • Improved – Refactor the freemius configuration


Release Date – 03 January 2024

  • Fixed – Could not query posts by using a date string as the meta value
  • Fixed – The carousel is broken when using an invalid selector as the nav carousel
  • Updated – Remove some annoying actions on the freemius SDK
  • Updated – Upgrade freemius SDK 2.6.2


Release Date – 11 December 2023

  • Fixed – Error when opening the site editor in multiple sites mode
  • Updated – Upgrade freemius SDK 2.6.1


Release Date – 13 November 2023

  • Fixed – A syntax issue on dynamic CSS
  • Updated – Ignore the content width of the main block on the edit variation screen
  • Updated – Load the default color settings (palette, gradients, duotone) to unsupported themes
  • Updated – Respect the content width on vertical alignment but not justify alignment


Release Date – 02 November 2023

  • Fixed – Use a stretched link to prevent from nested links being broken when enabling the link to post setting
  • Updated – Add CBB variables for responsive breakpoints
  • Updated – Freemius 2.6.0


Release Date – 31 October 2023

  • Added – Only play videos in the carousel’s active slide
  • Added – Allow viewing the style in the preview of the HTML block’s variation
  • Fixed – Don’t see the box shadow in off-canvas, or popover elements
  • Updated – Update the welcome tab on the settings page
  • Updated – Update icons from third-party providers
  • Updated – Automatically load SVG images from the media library to the icon library


Release Date – 25 October 2023

  • Added – Add the stretch alignment to grid child blocks
  • Added – Add space-between vertical alignment to standalone blocks
  • Added – Add the popover mode to the toggle feature
  • Added – Add the 2024 theme as a new supported theme
  • Added – Add a setting to input fetchpriority manually on the background image
  • Updated – Upgrade to Swiper 10.3.1


Release Date – 19 October 2023

  • Updated – Don’t allow pull/push content on parent blocks
  • Added – Add the aspect ratio feature
  • Added – Add a setting to hide a variation from the inserter


Release Date – 11 October 2023

  • Added – Register & insert the block on the fly when creating a block via the block toolbar
  • Added – Update to the new variation right away when creating a new variation
  • Updated – Replace __experimentalLayout by layout since WP 6.3
  • Updated – Refactor the pattern inserter popup


Release Date – 06 October 2023

  • Updated – Remote the ‘inherit’ value from the template locking setting
  • Updated – Add an admin notice when the site is under maintenance mode
  • Updated – Support breakpoint wildcards in custom JS code
  • Updated – Refactor the block settings sidebar screen
  • Updated – Refactor registering script to use the new in_footer, and strategy since WP 6.3
  • Updated – Remove legacy code for customizing the query loop in WP < 6.3
  • Fixed – Remove the double border top/bottom width on the accordion items
  • Fixed – Remove the horizontal paddings on the UL tag on the editor when using the carousel layout


Release Date – 29 September 2023

  • Updated – Don’t allow creating custom blocks, and patterns from the block toolbar of child blocks
  • Updated – Set the border style as solid by default on the first time set the border width
  • Updated – Use wildcards for responsive breakpoints in the custom CSS editor and replace them at runtime
  • Updated – Add JS generators for CBB.Dataset helper utilities for use in the JS editor
  • Updated – Refactor importing from SDK
  • Updated – Refactor registering post type, taxonomy, and meta fields
  • Fixed – Don’t load custom styles, and scripts for all custom blocks if they don’t have a custom handle
  • Added – Add a simple maintenance mode


Release Date – 25 September 2023

  • Added – Click to copy blocks, variations and patterns
  • Updated – Add CBB_BLOCK_API and CBB_BLOCK_STYLE as default handles for custom scripts and custom styles
  • Updated – Refactor the CSS editor
  • Updated – Update ‘Requires at least’ to 6.3 for new spacing sizes controls’ style
  • Updated – Exclude core blocks from exporting
  • Updated – Refactor settings. Rename the others tab to the general tab
  • Updated – Hide the phone’s breakpoint setting
  • Fixed – Add inline functions for getting spacing presets for WP < 6.3.
  • Fixed – Duotone is missing due to the new API in WP 6.3


Release Date – 16 September 2023

  • DEV – Add the transformable setting to restrict only blocks that enable it to be able to transformable
  • DEV – Add the hidden setting to hide blocks from the inserter
  • DEV – Refactor creating blocks, variations, and patterns from the block toolbar menu
  • DEV – Add a setting to disable the parallax effect on small screens
  • FIX – Accordion style overrides child blocks
  • FIX – The visibility tool panel does not open on the first load although it has a setting value
  • FIX – Grid style (display:grid) conflicts with other blocks


Release Date – 11 September 2023

  • DEV – Using dynamic style instead of inline CSS variables
  • DEV – Add the ability to change the breakpoints for phone, tablet, and desktop via the settings page
  • DEV – Update requires at least 6.2 for the new HTML API
  • DEV – Minify custom CSS code
  • DEV – Use the default SpacingSizesControl for responsive spacing settings
  • DEV – Use the default BorderBoxControl for responsive border setting
  • DEV – Add responsive block gap setting
  • FIX – Toggle and accordion components did not transition
  • DEV – Update Freemius 2.5.12

2.0.0 – 2.3.x

= 2.3.22 =
Release Date – 30 August 2023

  • DEV – Set templateLock to None on read-only blocks
  • FIX – Order variations by variation name and block name
  • DEV – Add trial mode

= 2.3.21 =
Release Date – 25 August 2023

  • DEV – Live-update CSS while editing custom blocks and variations
  • DEV – Add the ignoreStickyPosts setting to the query loop filter
  • FIX – Google fonts not loaded in the iframe editor
  • DEV – Refactor the library code into a separate file

= 2.3.20 =
Release Date – 17 August 2023

  • DEV – Update to API version 3 for better WP 6.3 compatibility
  • DEV – Remove margin and padding on the post template block when it is nested inside a custom carousel, grid layout
  • DEV – Add the developer tab in the settings to purge the cache
  • DEV – Refactor code: using wp_add_inline_script instead of wp_localize_script for data

= 2.3.19 =
Release Date – 09 August 2023

  • DEV – Adjust style for the pattern library and icon library popups in WP 6.3
  • DEV – Expose JS API for custom blocks
  • DEV – Refactor settings page
  • DEV – Refactor DEBUG mode for CBB
  • DEV – Compatibility with PHP 8.2

= 2.3.18 =
Release Date – 26 July 2023

  • DEV – Change the grid layout to the responsive grid layout to prevent from new grid layout in WP 6.3
  • DEV – Add custom delay time for each carousel item block
  • DEV – Add the toggle help control for complex help texts
  • DEV – Remove the ‘Add New Pattern’ menu item
  • FIX – Query Loop: convert numeric to decimal(10,3) under the hood
  • FIX – Changing the order of breakpoints before generating the dynamic style for Query Loop’s grid layout
  • FIX – Set the open state for panels if they have settings

= 2.3.17 =
Release Date – 05 July 2023

  • DEV – Query Loop: Add filter and sorting by meta fields
  • DEV – Query Loop: Add filter by parent
  • DEV – Query Loop: Get orderby value from the query string
  • DEV – Query Loop: Allow querying the latest posts as the fallback in case there is no related posts.
  • DEV – Allow adding child blocks from the parent block’s toolbar
  • DEV – Improve performance
  • DEV – Refactor copy/paste feature
  • DEV – Update Freemius SDK 2.5.10

= 2.3.16 =
Release Date – 15 June 2023

  • DEV – Add advanced filters and sorting to the Query Loop block
  • DEV – Add the “Link to post” setting to the background image
  • DEV – Add custom presets for shadow
  • DEV – Re-organize CBB features using ToolsPanel instead of PanelBody
  • DEV – Add core spacing(padding, margin, blockGap) and dimensions(minHeight) to custom blocks
  • DEV – Update Freemius SDK 2.5.9

= 2.3.15 =
Release Date – 06 June 2023

  • DEV – Add a custom grid layout for the Query Loop block
  • DEV – Allow picking custom post ids for the Query Loop block
  • DEV – Add a setting for pausing carousels on mouse hover
  • DEV – Add presets for the box-shadow feature
  • DEV – Update Freemius SDK @2.5.8

= 2.3.14 =
Release Date – 06 May 2023

  • DEV – Refactor the layout style to use the global padding
  • DEV – Generate dynamic background and overlay instead of saving theme in the block markup
  • DEV – Remove the blockbase css file, and replace it with dynamic styles
  • DEV – Allow inputting decimal value on the carousel slidesPerView setting
  • FIX – Block overlay doesn’t show up on the background video
  • DEV – Remove object caching from read-only blocks
  • DEV – Remove layout on accordion item blocks

= 2.3.13 =
Release Date – 26 April 2023

  • DEV – Add read-only mode for custom blocks to make them act like reusable blocks
  • DEV – Add a confirm dialog on resetting the block content
  • DEV – Add the playsinline attribute to the background video
  • DEV – Allow loading external resources on the admin side for custom blocks
  • FIX – Block spacing does not work on repeater item blocks
  • DEV – Add a help text for the carousel’s loop type setting
  • DEV – Update swiper 9.2.4
  • DEV – Update Freemius 2.5.7

= 2.3.12 =
Release Date – 18 April 2023

  • FIX – Remove unexpected margin-top on accordion layouts on the 2022 theme
  • DEV – Refactor modal/offcanvas/collapse layouts
  • DEV – Remove the layout feature on repeater blocks, only support layout for the v-stack layout

= 2.3.11 =
Release Date – 09 April 2023

  • DEV – Update root horizontal padding for the 2023 theme and beyond
  • DEV – Add parent and ancestor to block settings
  • FIX – Carousel autoplay does not work
  • DEV – Add object fit setting to using an image as background and video
  • DEV – Add the sync functionalities to pull and push content from/to custom blocks
  • DEV – Allow creating custom blocks from the Query Loop’s block toolbar

= 2.3.10 =
Release Date – 09 March 2023

  • FIX – PHP namespace issue
  • DEV – Update google fonts data
  • DEV – Update icon library data

= 2.3.9 =
Release Date – 08 March 2023

  • DEV – Use get_the_post_thumbnail for the featured image as background feature
  • DEV – Refactor the help for the code editor
  • DEV – Make the plugin compatible with WP 6.2

= 2.3.8 =
Release Date – 20 February 2023

  • FIX Remove empty spaces by adding to the class attribute on the dynamic background
  • DEV – Add re-run animation when changing animation attributes

= 2.3.7 =
Release Date – 13 February 2023

  • DEV – Add field label and field description to custom attributes

= 2.3.6 =
Release Date – 09 February 2023

  • FIX – The block library and variation library do not automatically reload after installing or activating plugins

= 2.3.5 =
Release Date – 07 February 2023

  • DEV – Support custom blocks from the block library in patterns from the pattern library
  • DEV – Add CSS variable as new attribute type for custom attributes
  • DEV – Add ‘contentOnly’ for templateLock in custom blocks
  • DEV – Add fullscreen mode and remove unnecessary whitespaces on formating

= 2.3.4 =
Release Date – 27 January 2023

  • DEV – Support color, and unit types for the custom attributes feature
  • DEV – Add CSS variable as new attribute type for custom attributes
  • DEV – Support custom attributes to core blocks
  • DEV – Merge patterns, blocks, and variations library into one

= 2.3.3 =
Release Date – 17 January 2023

  • DEV – Add block keywords to import/export tools
  • DEV – Add custom style to variations
  • DEV – Add the Variation Library
  • DEV – Allow register block style from block variation
  • DEV – Add custom style, scripts, and attributes to revisions
  • DEV – Add Ctrl+D(select word), Ctrl+Shift+K(delete current line), Alt+Shift+F(format all content) shortcut keys to the editor

= 2.3.2 =
Release Date – 05 January 2023

  • FIX – Accordion, collapse layout doesn’t work in prefer-reduced-motion reduce
  • DEV – Add style to block attributes in the sidebar fullwidth layout
  • DEV – Add more generators to JS Editor
  • DEV – Save the default values for pre-defined attributes for blocks
  • DEV – Add a help link to the SVG Upload control to optimize SVG files before uploading to the site

= 2.3.1 =
Release Date – 02 January 2023

  • DEV – Add custom attributes feature
  • DEV – Add visibility feature
  • DEV – Add block library feature
  • DEV – Add keywords to blocks
  • DEV – Refactor repeater group control

= 2.3.0 =
Release Date – 13 December 2022

  • DEV – Support custom scripts/stylesheets on custom blocks
  • DEV – Support fullscreen mode for the custom CSS/JS editor
  • FIX – Content overflow on fixed fullwidth align block

= 2.2.23 =
Release Date – 28 November 2022

  • DEV – Request patterns from the new pattern library site
  • FIX – Adjust CSS (position, z-index) for modal
  • FIX – The appender button disappears due to the background image style

= 2.2.22 =
Release Date – 20 November 2022

  • DEV – Upgrade to freemius SDK 2.5.2
  • DEV – Only add the has-boldblocks-typography class to the body when it’s enabled
  • FIX – Correct icon for the shown accordion item on the first load
  • DEV – Refactor and add more style settings to accordion layouts
  • DEV – Support lazy loading for video tutorials on the getting started tab
  • DEV – Support autoplay for multiple youtube videos on mobile
  • DEV – Add marketing content to the plugin

= 2.2.21 =
Release Date – 10 November 2022

  • DEV – Add the availability to enable sticky only when scrolling up
  • DEV – Refactor the modal style to prevent conflict with the Bootstrap style
  • DEV – Add transparent color to the default color palette
  • DEV – Remove all default values for BoldBlocks features for more cleaning markup
  • FIX – Show the default colors for the carousel scrollbar
  • DEV – Allow using the featured image as a background image

= 2.2.20 =
Release Date – 03 November 2022

  • DEV – Integrate with freemius
  • DEV – Increase the speed of fade out for parallax background image
  • DEV – Change vertical, and horizontal alignment from flexbox to grid
  • DEV – Refactor sticky style
  • FIX – Margin issue on background and overlay on WP 6.1
  • DEV – Add important to transparent color variables
  • DEV – Add reverse direction setting to the infinite scrolling background image
  • DEV – Add zoomOutIn effect

= 2.2.19 =
Release Date – 28 October 2022

  • DEV – Update support layout for custom blocks
  • DEV – Support reveal animations, carousel, and videos in toggle content layout
  • DEV – Refactor the overlay feature

= 2.2.18 =
Release Date – 18 October 2022

  • FIX – Set templateLock as None for the Stack and Accordion blocks
  • DEV – Hide settings for some effects that don’t have multiple items
  • DEV – Remove some out animations for the reveal animation feature
  • DEV – Add more settings to the modal/off-canvas layout
  • DEV – Add custom initial state for the modal/off-canvas layout
  • DEV – Remove some default styles for the modal/off-canvas

= 2.2.17 =
Release Date – 12 October 2022

  • DEV – Separate carousel from frontend files, only load carousel when needed
  • DEV – Add a fallback value for the baseline spacing value
  • FIX – Accessibility issue for the accordion layout
  • FIX – Add transparent color to the color palette if the current theme doesn’t have that value

= 2.2.16 =
Release Date – 07 October 2022

  • FIX – Loading core scripts

= 2.2.15 =
Release Date – 06 October 2022

  • DEV – Refactor modal/off-canvas layout: Add settings for the close button
  • DEV – Refactor modal/off-canvas layout: Allow overlay background, width, height
  • DEV – Remove the default value for the grid-gap
  • DEV – Only show centeredSlides for supported effects on carousels
  • DEV – Allow uploading SVG images
  • DEV – Add a new preset font combination
  • FIX – Remove the fixed style in the editor for the sticky feature

= 2.2.14 =
Release Date – 03 October 2022

  • DEV – Clean empty variables style for width, height, border, and grid and add deprecated for old content
  • DEV – Add isDefault to variations and allow skip on the variation picker popup
  • DEV – Refactor modal, off-canvas, collapse
  • DEV – Using a custom data store for icon library and loading them from REST API at runtime
  • DEV – Carousel: add style for the vertical direction
  • FIX – Carousel pagination is not at the center
  • FIX – Refactor copy/paste
  • DEV – Refactor SVG input control
  • DEV – Refactor the ColorGradientDropdown control
  • DEV – Add a ‘clear all’ button to the custom CSS editor
  • FIX – Remove ‘boldblocks’ pattern category from the sidebar
  • DEV – Refactor the sticky feature

= 2.2.13 =
Release Date – 21 September 2022

  • FIX – Compatibility issue with the Gutenberg plugin
  • DEV – Add style for carousel in pattern preview

= 2.2.12 =
Release Date – 15 September 2022

  • DEV – Add the getting started page to the settings page

= 2.2.11 =
Release Date – 12 September 2022

  • DEV – Change the inherited behavior of responsive in the grid layout
  • FIX – Remove the carousel preview on the Query loop block
  • DEV – Add the clear keywords filter button to the pattern inserter
  • DEV – Refactor copy/paste
  • DEV – Refactor the pattern insert modal
  • FIX – Can’t get grid item value

= 2.2.10 =
Release Date – 06 September 2022

  • DEV – Add google fonts | bunny fonts
  • DEV – Add a setting to limit only 1 item on mobile for the carousel
  • FIX – Load carousel script for query loop block
  • FIX – Copy/paste – solid background to override the gradient background

= 2.2.9 =
Release Date – 28 August 2022

  • DEV – Add sticky feature

= 2.2.8 =
Release Date – 23 August 2022

  • DEV – Improve the interactions, user-friendly on the pattern inserter modal
  • DEV – Add carousel layout support for the core query block

= 2.2.7 =
Release Date – 19 August 2022

  • DEV – Refactor the template modal
  • DEV – Template modal: Support lazy loading, filtered keywords at runtime, improve search results

= 2.2.6 =
Release Date – 13 August 2022

  • DEV – Improve performance

= 2.2.5 =
Release Date – 09 August 2022

  • FIX – justifyAlignment: justify-items, converting to flex value for standalone blocks
  • DEV – Only copy background settings
  • DEV – Re-arrange preset for grid template columns
  • DEV – Improve performance
  • REFACTOR – Refactor toggle feature

= 2.2.4 =
Release Date – 02 August 2022

  • DEV – Add modal, off-canvas toggle

= 2.2.3 =
Release Date – 29 July 2022

  • DEV – Carousel layout: allow for creating 2 synced carousels, use a carousel as the navigation for another
  • DEV – Template modal: add scrollbar for full page/long patterns preview

= 2.2.2 =
Release Date – 27 July 2022

  • DEV – Refactor copy/paste styling
  • DEV – Custom CSS: show hint on typing
  • DEV – Prevent default action from clicking on toggle buttons

= 2.2.1 =
Release Date – 24 July 2022

  • DEV – Add the toggle content feature
  • DEV – Allow customizing the carousel navigation button icons
  • DEV – Auto reloading after installing/activating plugins from the template popup modal

= 2.2.0 =
Release Date – 19 July 2022

  • DEV – Add accordion layout and the Accordion block
  • DEV – Add steps type setting

= 2.1.3 =
Release Date – 12 July 2022

  • DEV – Adjust reveal animation for the carousel

= 2.1.2 =
Release Date – 11 July 2022

  • DEV – Add justifyAlignment to custom blocks
  • DEV – Add Next/Prev links to the template modal popup

= 2.1.1 =
Release Date – 08 July 2022

  • FIX – Performance issue

= 2.1.0 =
Release Date – 08 July 2022

  • DEV – Add template inserter feature
  • DEV – Add custom CSS style feature
  • DEV – Add more settings to carousel pagination and navigation
  • FIX – Add dependent blocks, disable items that contain missing blocks
  • DEV – Change the placeholders for new custom content types
  • DEV – Import and export pattern keywords
  • FIX – Make new imported variations as published status
  • DEV – Add inserter setting to pattern

= 2.0.0 =
Release Date – 29 May 2022

  • DEV – Make the alignment compatible with all block-based themes
  • DEV – Add pattern description, keywords
  • DEV – Prevent users from deleting core blocks
  • DEV – Redesign the settings page
  • DEV – Add the settings link to the plugin screen
  • DEV – Add the width feature
  • DEV – Add the stack item block
  • FIX – Allow coping grid, grid item, carousel
  • REFACTOR – Refactor code


= 1.2.11 =
Release Date – 06 May 2022

  • DEV – Add scrollbar layout for carousel in edit mode
  • DEV – Support reveal animation for carousel layouts
  • DEV – Upgrade swiper version 8.x
  • DEV – Add ‘Inherit’ value for templateLock
  • DEV – Add accessibility for overlay div
  • DEV – Add option to render background image as IMG element
  • DEV – Adjust theming

= 1.2.10 =
Release Date – 29 April 2022

  • DEV – Improve performance
  • REFACTOR – clean source code

= 1.2.9 =
Release Date – 25 April 2022

  • DEV – Add custom order list style

= 1.2.8 =
Release Date – 21 April 2022

  • DEV – Improve performance

= 1.2.7 =
Release Date – 21 April 2022

  • DEV – Allow creating custom blocks/patterns from core/media-text block
  • DEV – Allow to copy/paste some new attributes
  • FIX – Fix some label issues

= 1.2.6 =
Release Date – 19 April 2022

  • DEV – Add overlay feature
  • DEV – Add duotone
  • DEV – Allow creating custom blocks from media-text block
  • DEV – Load compatible styles for blockbase, twentytwentytwo in iframe editor

= 1.2.5 =
Release Date – 15 April 2022

  • DEV – Improve performance
  • DEV – Support twentytwentytwo, blockbase themes
  • DEV – Icon library: focus on the search box, and press enter to insert icons.

= 1.2.4 =
Release Date – 12 April 2022

  • DEV – Update icons pack

= 1.2.3 =
Release Date – 06 April 2022

  • DEV – Support meta revisioning for metadata of blocks, variations, and patterns
  • DEV – Add a helper function to allow select all children blocks from a selected block
  • DEV – Allow pasting elliptical border-radius value directly on border-radius control
  • DEV – Allow transform scale with a negative value

= 1.2.2 =
Release Date – 29 March 2022

  • DEV – Add copy-paste feature
  • DEV – Allow editing multiple blocks at a time
  • DEV – Allow importing pattern categories
  • DEV – Add pre-defined height 100% option
  • DEV – Add the example to custom blocks registration
  • FIX – Don’t allow adding a custom block to itself via the admin screen
  • FIX – Query all posts for export functionality
  • REFACTOR – Refactor code

= 1.2.1 =
Release Date – 24 March 2022

  • DEV – Add pattern categories to patterns
  • DEV – Add settings widget to manage custom pattern categories
  • DEV – Add Pattern name to the pattern list screen

= 1.2.0 =
Release Date – 22 March 2022

  • DEV – Add settings page
  • DEV – Add import/export functionalities
  • DEV – Remove pattern category
  • DEV – Remove deprecated styles

= 1.1.16 =
Release Date – 18 March 2022

  • DEV – Re-arrange admin menus

= 1.1.15 =
Release Date – 17 March 2022

  • DEV – Add ‘reveal animation’ feature
  • DEV – Add the icon to the admin list screen of custom blocks

= 1.1.14 =
Release Date – 15 March 2022

  • DEV – Add box-shadow features
  • DEV – Add transform features
  • REFACTOR – Refactor code

= 1.1.13 =
Release Date – 12 March 2022

  • DEV – Add border, border-radius features
  • DEV – Support blockGap for custom blocks
  • DEV – Add color slug for pre-defined colors
  • FIX – Remove the top margin gap for the first block in a parent block with a custom background
  • REFACTOR – Refactor code

= 1.1.12 =
Release Date – 10 March 2022

  • DEV – Add icon library for block and variation icons
  • DEV – Add block, variation’s settings to PluginDocumentSettingPanel slot and fill
  • REFACTOR – Refactor code

= 1.1.11 =
Release Date – 02 March 2022

  • FIX – Vertical alignment for grid item block on mobile
  • FIX – Some typo issues
  • REFACTOR – Refactor code

= 1.1.10 =
Release Date – 14 February 2022

  • DEV – Allow negative margin for spacing feature
  • DEV – Add 4 columns to the mobile preset layout for the grid layout

= 1.1.9 =
Release Date – 02 February 2022

  • FIX Inherit style for spacing feature

= 1.1.8 =
Release Date – 01 February 2022

  • REFACTOR – Change prefix to a shorter string
  • REFACTOR – Change shorthand syntax to full syntax for the spacing feature

= 1.1.7 =
Release Date – 01 February 2022

  • DEV – Mark grid item child block fill all available space, make block’s background media full block

= 1.1.6 =
Release Date – 28 January 2022

  • DEV – Allow creation of empty blocks

= 1.1.5 =
Release Date – 18 January 2022

  • DEV – Add carousel layout

= 1.1.4 =
Release Date – 06 January 2022

  • DEV – Add more features to custom blocks: responsive height, spacing, text alignment, vertical-alignment, justify-alignment, and media background

= 1.1.3 =
Release Date – 16 December 2021

  • DEV – Update grid template columns, grid column, grid row

= 1.1.2 =
Release Date – 02 December 2021

  • REFACTOR – Update the pot file, change the label of the block category

= 1.1.1 =
Release Date – 01 December 2021

  • REFACTOR – Update __experimentalUseInnerBlocksProps to work with gutenberg 12.x

= 1.1.0 =
Release Date – 03 November 2021

  • DEV – Add grid layout for repeater blocks
  • DEV – Add custom inline SVG icon for blocks and variations
  • DEV – Support variation picker for custom blocks

= 1.0.2 =
Release Date – 13 October 2021

  • FIX – Template lock ‘None’ doesn’t work

= 1.0.1 =
Release Date – 12 October 2021

  • DEV – Make the plugin compatible with the Block Manager plugin

= 1.0.0 =

  • Release